Diane Finestein Returns
5/11/2023 8:54:26 PM
In a wheelchair and didn't seem to know where she was. She's going to be working a "light schedule" on the advice of her Dr. Well, she might b e confused and not know exactly where she is or where she is going, but that didn't stop her from voting on the confiration of several Biden proposed judges. Guess if you are a Democatic politiican, the only thing that matters is that you vote like they tell you.
Biden, it seems, upset the UK government, by stating he had to go to Ireland to make sure the Brits were "screwing up". Seems Mr. Biden values his Irish hertiage more than our special and unique releationship with the UK. He has also been known, in private meeting to say, that he hates the Brits.
Democrats are the party of the "old people". Meanwhile, Kevin McCarthy has Biden, by doing things that Biden didn't think he could do - passing a debt ceiling bill and also passing a immigration bill. In both cases Biden says he will veto them.